Faramir, a hero from the trilogy The Lord of the Rings, written by Tolkien, is the captain of Gondor and son of its guardian, Denethor. He is a guard of Ithillien, a territory near Minas Tirith, capital of Gondor. He is good-hearted and friendly with the forces of Good but unfriendly with the minions of Evil. He is also very brave and good leader. He finds Frodo, the Ring bearer and his trusted helper Sam and helps them to find a way to Mount Doom in order to destroy the Ring and defeat the Evil. After he lets him go, a great army of orcs, minions of Evil, attacks Minas Tirith and starts a siege. Faramir needs to attack at Osgiliath, the old capital of Gondor, which was occupied by orcs, with his brave and trusted Gondorian army. But he gets injured, and his army destroyed, and gets back to Minas Tirith. His father thinks that he is dead and wants to burn him and himself in the fire. But a hobbit named Pippin and a wizard named Gandalf save him and lead him to the house-hospital. After the battle, in which the winner is the forces of Good, his king, Aragorn, attacks the Black Gate, territory of Mordor, the land of Evil. During this battle, away from Minas Tirith, he meets Eowyn, whose uncle was king of Rohan, a land of men near Gondor, and fells in love with her. This time Frodo destroys the Ring and defeats the Evil. So Faramir gets married to Eowyn and Aragorn is named king. Faramir becomes guardian because of his father’s death.

Γράφει ο Γιώργος Σοϊλεμεζίδης...
Text by George Soilemezidis...

Γράφει ο Γιώργος Σοϊλεμεζίδης...
Text by George Soilemezidis...
sugxarithria gia thn polu kalh sou prospa8eia na katagrapseis thn istoria tou Faramir alla epetrepse mou na se dior8osw se kapoies anakribies pou exeis..Katarxhn o Denethor den einai guardian alla steward..epishs sth diasosh tou Faramir apo th peira boh8hse o Beregond prwtos kapetanios ths leukhs frouras kai ton pane se enan apo tous pirgous opou ekei o Aragorn ton sozei me th boh8eia tou futou athelas.Triton thn Arwen thn gnorizei prin th maxh ths Maurhs Pulhs..Kai telos o Aragorn otan ginetai basilias diorizei ton Faramir ektos apo steward kai prigkipa tou Ithilien..Alla opws eipa prin einai mia polu kalh prospa8eia k sou euxomai na sunexiseis thn kalh douleia
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήAγαπητέ μου σχολιαστή...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΓνωρίζω όλες αυτές τις λεπτομέρειες αλλά δεν μπήκα στον κόπο να τις γράψω. Επίσης έχεις κάνει κι εσύ κάποια λαθάκια στο σχόλιό σου. Πρώτον δεν γνωρίζει την Άργουεν αλλά την Έογουην. Και όπως γνωρίζω απ' το βιβλίο την συναντάει αφού γίνει καλά και κάπου εκεί είναι και η μάχη στην Μαύρη Πύλη γι' αυτό και το συντόμευσα. Δέυτερον ο Άραγκορν τον σώζει όπως πολύ σωστά είπες αλλά αφού ο Μπέρεγκον τον σώσει και είπα για τον Πίππιν γιατί μιλάω γενικά, άρα και για την ταινία. Επίσης σε ευχαριστώ που διώρθωσες αυτά τα λάθη και ελπίζω να βοηθήσουν τους υπόλοιπους αναγνώστες να καταλάβουν καλύτερα την ιστορία του Φάραμιρ.